Life Healthcare

Life Healthcare

Life Healthcare

Life Healthcare Group, formerly Afrox Healthcare, is the second largest private hospital operator in South Africa, with 6,500 beds. It is also the largest black-owned hospital operator in South Africa.

life healthcare

Life Healthcare
Life Healthcare

What does Life Healthcare do?

We improve the lives of people through the delivery of high-quality, cost-effective care. We are always striving to do our best, and a good sign of our performance is our patient satisfaction, and our care is infused with layers of compassion, enabling us to grow.

How many hospitals are in the Life Healthcare system?

64 healthcare facilities

Overview. You and your loved ones want the best care, at the best facility at the right time, and Life Healthcare has 64 healthcare facilities from which to choose.

How to apply for Life Healthcare College?

Applications must be submitted between June and August annually. Submit your application to the preferred Learning Centre. See “Where are our Learning Centres” to find the contact details.

What is the history of Life Healthcare?

LifeHealthcare was formed in 2006 with the vision to create a leading Australian and New Zealand medical device company that was capable of delivering the best technologies through the best people in the industry.

Life Healthcare